Diablo 3 monk build inna
Diablo 3 monk build inna

This is primarily a support monk skill which is used to provide a massive 55% damage reduction to your party members. DPS builds use Ascension rune, while supports go with Tranquility for party-wide shields. Implosion is the most commonly used rune, although all the other runes except Sunburst also see some play.Īn excellent defensive skill, which also has great synergy with Squirt's Necklace. Often included in pushing builds to group up or move monsters and kill them more efficiently.

diablo 3 monk build inna

Almost every build uses Dashing Strike with either Blinding Speed for defense, Radiance for damage or Quicksilver for more mobility. This is the best mobility skill in the game: it has long range, short cooldown, multiple charges, can go through walls and the animation is nearly instant. Some T16 builds use Insight for even more Spirit, while support monks go Soothing Mist to provide extra healing to the party.

diablo 3 monk build inna

This skill is included in many builds for mobility, CC-immunity, Spirit generation and damage reduction from Desert Shroud rune.

Diablo 3 monk build inna